a circle of men

Circle of Men

“Men are suffering right now. Young men especially.

Now that so many men have gotten in touch with their grief, their longing for father and

mentor connections, we are more ready to start seeing the Wild Man and to look again

at initiation.” – Robert Bly

A Circle of Men is a new group that will be gathering monthly in the new year to discuss the complexity of manhood in the 21st century, where we are no longer interested in being the distant and dominating man of the ’50s, nor are we interested in being the pouty and passive man of the ’70s.  We desire to be a new kind of man, one that is both fierce and feeling, one that dignifies women and is at home in the world of men, one that cultivates his own honor and knows his God.

Contact ryan@belovedschurch.org if you are interested.

4 responses to “a circle of men”

  1. my daughter just visited your church. i am intrigued. i work with children from broken and damaged homes. a thought as you look to mentor young men. what it means to be a man is to use one’s strength to provide and protect. this is the way my own father saw his role as husband and father. my mother felt absolutely secure in him as did his children. he would sacrifice anything he had to for us. it was his joy and his calling. no he was not perfect but he aimed his efforts in the right direction. 

    to be a man involves nurturing but it is different from wife and mother. the two together form one, in a beautiful dance designed in the image of the Godhead.

    today both women and men are taught to be neverending children, and selfish children at that. not about giving but all about getting.

    my daughter really needs a place to heal. i will pray you can be that place…..


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