August through September 2010
Church of the Beloved’s purchase of Rosewood Manor
Presentation to the COTB Community and all friends who are cheering us along!
NOTE: This page is regularly updated so please come back regularly to get updates and progress toward the $35,000 goal!
Vision of Church of the Beloved
That the communities of Edmonds and Lynnwood would be places where every man, woman and child would experience God’s kindness, love and hope. We see our communities discovering a Gospel hope that grows life out of devastation, trust out of cynicism, love out of fear, and community out of isolation.
Is there hope? Is there hope for a tree cut down? …Yes.
At the mere scent of water it will bud and grow green shoots.
From the book of Job in the Bible (chapter 14, verses 6-8)Show me a garden that’s bursting into life…
Snow Patrol, ‘Chasing Cars’
Mission of Church of the Beloved
Welcome + Story + Presence + Gift
With the help of God and our community, we commit to devoting ourselves to Christ through welcome, story, presence and gift. We offer courage and grace to our local communities as they too discover this Beloved’s vow, disarming the shame and hopelessness that tries to convince us that the impossible has happened: that we are separated from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus.
A special opportunity to faithfully pursue the growth of this sacred mission and vision:
The purchase of Rosewood Manor
- Read the story that brings us to today… “this appears to be happening!”
- In support of the purchase, we hold careful advice in positive tension with the following considerations:
- The full inspection report in early August was very encouraging, with no major problems surfacing! If you would like to see a copy of the report please email J.Paul Fridenmaker or Lisa Caughell. Bottom line? We are well poised to come in ‘on budget’ with all of the priority recommendations!
- Creative control and flexible usage of space.
- The monthly “cash flow” for COTB would be worse in a rental situation than it would be by purchasing Rosewood.
- The Rosewood Community will continue to provide over $3,200 per month in income.
- On a $500,000 loan, COTB is applying for monthly payments of $3,515 (3.25% rate, 15 year amortization).
- Comparable leasing rates range anywhere from a low of $500/month to $8,000/month.
- Over time, we will have more capacity to direct resources toward the most needy in our community.
What can each of us do to help out?
- Networking and suggestions to fully occupy the rooms available in Rosewood Community by October. See Ryan.
- Consider a special gift toward the cash needed by the October 5th closing (or recommend other people who might be supportive). We need a total of $35,000 ($25,000 for a down payment and $10,000 for professional inspection and other due diligence contingencies.) See J.Paul Fridenmaker. Click here to let us know how much you are willing to give!
- Join the volunteer repair and renovation team. See Jason Best or Ryan Marsh (Skillsets optional )
- Join the creative communication and marketing team to keep Beloveds and other contributors up to date on the different phases of the project and how they can be involved. Your point person is J.Paul Fridenmaker.
- Pray for wisdom and patience as we journey through this special new chapter in the life of Church of the Beloved!
How are we doing to date? As of September 9, 2010, we have $14,000 of the $35,000 given or committed…praise God for this provision! You can give online now by using the link above or click here to let us know what you can commit…
Thank you so much for sharing…