
Music is a gift.

For many it is also a form of worship.

Below you will find some gifts performed by talented musicians within the Beloved community + their friends.


Songs for a Mystical Supper
Hope for a Tree Cut Down
Songs for the Season of Advent
Decay and Sustain

Please listen, download, enjoy, and share!



A brand new collection of 11 soulful songs from Church of the Beloved

We’ve selected our very best songs and are calling it, Songs for a Mystical Supper.  We want to release this as a free download again, hoping to get it out to as many people as we can and treating it as a gift to the world and a resource to the Church who is in need of thoughtful, soulful music.

Our previous album, Hope for a Tree Cut Down is also available for free download here.

Please share this page with anyone you think might enjoy this music. We ask for your e-mail only so that in the future if we decide to create another album we can let you know.








We have been shocked by God’s grace… that is to say, God’s gift; because we are discovering what our community’s gifts are; And because we want to give.
That is what we are discovering together at Church of the Beloved – a hope. Hope that something new is beginning that has very old roots. Hope that God is growing life out of our devastation, trust out of our cynicism, love out of our fear, community out of our isolation….

And that’s what this album is about – fumbling into God’s grace. It is a seismic and humble shift when our heart can hear the words that God has been saying to us for all our lives, ‘…nothing can separate you from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus’. These songs say ‘Yes’ to God’s claim upon your life that, ‘You are my Beloved.’

“We must first receive God’s welcome, the costly inclusion that constantly comes to us in so many surprising and mundane ways, before we can, in turn, offer welcome to strangers and friends, called by God to the work of creating a place of radical hospitality.”

–from the Beloved’s Vow