
Every chance we get we want to flatten human hierarchies and share power, while still leading on behalf of the community of God who has called us.  So that means we want to lead by listening, both to God’s Spirit and to you.  You are an important part of leading this community.  Let us hear you.


Beloved Architect _ Ryan Marsh : ryan@belovedschurch.org  (aka “the pastor”)

Ryan Marsh

Worship Architect _ Tara Ward : tara@belovedschurch.org


Missioner_Rev. Rebecca Tucker : eyeheartseattle@gmail.com

We are honored to have Rebecca with us from Sept. 2011 to Aug. 2012 to help us develop our engagement with our neighborhood and add a Sunday morning service.

Guide Group

The Guide Group meets twice a month on Wednesday nights to help guide our community deeper into it’s mission with God in Edmonds.

Lisa Caughell

Robert Monsen

Renie Cline

Nathanael Washum

I love the way the leadership of Church of the Beloved  create space for people to actively participate in worship and in prayer. In a sea of concert-type services, COTB is like finding a “soulmate community” for someone who wants to actively engage in worship, prayer, and communion.  — Amy Weis

Residential Artists and Others

Residencies are for individuals who want a unique commission to explore and create with and for a community.  They are self-started, self-defined and community supported.  See also Internships and contact ryan@belovedschurch.org for more information.

Nancy Lind_Fall Artist in Residence (Textile/Loom/Weaving)


TBD _ Composer/Musician in Residence

TBD _ Theologian/Philosopher in Residence

TBD _ Spiritual Director/Counselor in Residence

TBD _ (choose your own) in Residence

One response to “leadership”

  1. Dear Ryan;

    We were in conversation about a visit, possibly tomorrow, i think it was yesterday. I appreciate the information i am finding here, that you have invited me to for the purpose of discerning whether we have a future working together. And so far, i would answer that it remains within the sphere of possibility.

    Two positions of possible interest are as follows, if my experience meets your qualifying expectations:

    Composer/Musician in Residence

    Theologian/Philosopher in Residence

    Steven Rush http://facebook.com/steve.garrett

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